Tuesday, October 24, 2006

One Degree of Separation with "Grey's Anatomy"

Kate Walsh as Lana Powers in Club DeadOne of The Wife and my favorite shows is Grey's Anatomy. We didn't catch the very first episodes, but have been faithful ever since. We've laughed at Sandra Oh's sarcasm, and gasped when Kyle Chandler exploded. The one thing that has been driving me a bit crazy is Doctor Addison Montgomery (no longer) Shepard, played by Kate Walsh. Everytime I see her, I had nagging feeling. I find her attractive and see her slight resemblance to Catherine Denueuve. I could not shake this subliminal feeling about her. So what does one do when one is curious about someone. They go to, as our Fearlesss Leader GWB calls it, The Google. Google led me to IMDB.com and pointed me to the answer. Sitting at the bottom of the page, in her filmography, was the connection. Over ten years ago, I worked for Viacom New Media as a Game Designer. I wrote adventure games using that new fangled technology; full motion video. One of the games I designed was called "Club Dead." In the game, you followed a cyber-plumber named Sam Frost who wakes up in a bathroom next to a dead Tooth Fairy. Sam is stuck in the Alexandria, a rich CyberResort where guests enjoy virtual reality. The game was filmed in a Chicago studio. I was on the set for most of the shoot. Well, as it turns out, one of the characters in the game, the femme fatale, Lana Powers, was played by a young actress from the Piven Acting School. Yes, it was obvious that the young actress is the aforementioned Kate Walsh. I knew her when. Now I can get over my obsession and get on with my life.

Doing my part for the election cycle.

Here are some interesting links about some favorite Republicans.
Jon Kyl Rick Renzi J.D. Hayworth John Doolittle Richard Pombo Brian Bilbray Marilyn Musgrave Doug Lamborn Rick O'Donnell Christopher Shays Vernon Buchanan Joe Negron Clay Shaw Bill Sali Peter Roskam Mark Kirk Dennis Hastert Chris Chocola John Hostettler Mike Whalen Jim Ryun Anne Northup Geoff Davis Michael Steele Gil Gutknecht Michele Bachmann Jim Talent Conrad Burns Jon Porter Charlie Bass Mike Ferguson Heather Wilson Peter King John Sweeney Tom Reynolds Randy Kuhl Robin Hayes Charles Taylor Steve Chabot Jean Schmidt Deborah Pryce Joy Padgett Melissa Hart Curt Weldon Mike Fitzpatrick Don Sherwood Lincoln Chafee Bob Corker George Allen Frank Wolf Mike McGavick Dave Reichert

Friday, October 13, 2006

America, F*($ Yeah!

It's been a while since I've posted, but life has tendency to knock you for a loop. I'm not going into it too much. Let's just say that the Buchanan family has moved to a new place without selling the old one, and leave it that.

Anyhoo, the reason for this post is that we got a free Showtime weekend preview at the new Buchanan household and I took great advantage. With DVR control firmly in hand, I used up valuable hard drive space with movies I had never had the chance to see or rent. Some of those movies are not The Wife's cup of tea, so I tend to pass them by, thinking that I would see them at a later date. Because of Showtime's sneak preview, I got record the following: Ichii the Killer, Gamera, Guardian of the Universe, Dexter, the Showtime Original Series, Donnie Darko, and finally, Team America, World Police.

The Wife and I watched Dexter. I had read the books the series was based on and found the show to be pretty faithful. Michael C. Hall is creepy and endearing at the same time. He is definitely not the same guy from Six Feet Under. I watched Ichii the Killer in pieces. (Which seems rather appropriate.) I found that weird and funny with some of the most absurd sound effects put to film. (The swallowing sound that Karen makes after performing an act on Ichii comes directly to mind.) I have not seen Gamera or Donnie Darko, yet, but I will.

After watching Team America, World Police, with Larry Jr, I have found my next must-buy at the DVD story. Yes the movie is sophomoric and stupid. It's from the guys of South Park. It's a movie with marionettes, for cripes sakes. I've been a fan of the TV show "The Thunderbirds" since I was knee high. This is Thunderbirds for subversives. Nobody walks away from the movie unscathed. From the Jingoistic theme song, to the bashing of Hollywood Liberals, Team America is an insane Jerry Bruckheimer actioner with songs. It's timely too, since the bad guy is that wacky North Korean Dictator, Kim Jong Il. He even has his own little ditty, "I'm So Ronery." I really don't want to go into the film too much. Explaining a comedy can give the too much away. All I can say is that there is one scene that truly gave me a "spit-take." For those who have seen the film I'll give you a hint. Here is the dialogue. "Release the panthers!"