Friday, March 31, 2006

This sweater itches, because it has fleas.

Lately, I've browsing the local news sites. I take a bus to and from work everyday. Well, the Denver RTD employees are in contract negotiation, and there is a potential strike looming. That would be dang inconvenient, since The Wife is working out of town. Transportation to work could be limited. It's a good thing that I can telecommute.

Anyway, I came across this story on the 9 News Website. Some woman was weaving dog hair and turning it into sweaters. She says that Poodle hair does not work well, but Golden Retriever works fine. After reading this bit of information, I stared at our three mutts. I honestly don't need a dog sweater. I am sure that I wear enough of their hair as it is.

Now cat slippers. That has potential.

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