Tuesday, April 11, 2006

The CW: The Early Years.

Next year, the WB and UP will converge into a new uber-network called CW. There is a lot of debate on what shows from each netlet will carry over into the sleeping giant. One bit of rumor-mongering is that one night on the CW schedule will consist of Gilmore Girls, followed by Veronica Mars. When that happens you will see a veritable estrogen-fest full of snappy dialogue, snarky quips, and sullen mood swings. That will be a great night of TeeVee.

So, UPN must see the writing on the wall, and moved Veronica Mars to Tuesday nights. So a viewer can catch GG on WB and then switch over to VM on UPN. (Also Veronica was getting clobbered by Lost on Wednesdays.)

I only have one complaint. Gilmore Girls seemed like it had more commercials and less show. I could swear one break was 10 minutes long. (It had a two airings of the "First Bank, the Colorado Bank for you," in one such block.) Veronica Mars, on the other hand, was so densely packed with information, I think even the commercials had clues to the bus crash mystery. ( I have developed a theory, and other people seem to concur, but more on that later.)

I do hope that next year, there is a CW night of GG and VM. I could do with a double dose of Lauren Graham and Kristin Bell.

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